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Ausschnitte vom Sommerfestival der Kulturen Stuttgart und den Afrikatagen Landshut 2023

Welcome to the website of Kandara Diebaté

Diebaté refers to one of the most famous families of the Griot musical tradition, whose primary task is to pass on the oral traditions of West African culture from generation to generation. Of course, this includes the music, but also legends and stories of the tribes.

I was fortunate to be able to learn about the Griot tradition from my father, Boubacar Diebaté.

Boubacar Diebaté had already opened up the tradition of the Griot to European and Indian music in the 1960s and continued to follow this new path in his new homeland of Canada.

In his memory I produced the CD „Memoir à Boubacar“ with a European-Canadian-African band in 2017 and founded the band "Memoire" in 2021.

Memoire is a band with top-class musicians of different nationalities from 3 continents - Africa, Europe and Latin America.

We play traditional melodies dating back to the ancient Mandinke kingdom of West Africa. We also play our own compositions with modern rhythms - also known as world music.

Latin American and African rhythms meet, influenced by the style of European jazz. The song is a musical journey through time from the Mandinke era to the present day. In the guitar playing you can hear the phrasing of the old African N'goni. Together with the spirited, radiant dancer, the tricontinental band Memoir gives a performance that inspires, enthralls and gets the audience dancing.

Aktuelle Festival- & Konzerttermine

„8. Afrika Festival Weilimdorf“

Am Samstag, 22.06.2024 stehen ab 16:30 Uhr Kandara Diebaté & Memoire auf der Festivalbühne auf dem Ernst-Reuter-Platz in Stuttgart.

Konzert im franz.K in Reutlingen

Kandara Diebaté & Memoire treten am 15. November 2024 um 20 Uhr im franz.K – Kulturzentrum in Reutlingen – auf.